ok wtf, it says masta ace but the dude other dudes who rap sound completely different...
also, as stannish as i am, the 3rd dude had the best verse
Menzo wrote:Its cuz you're dope and Daddy Dubs. No one fucks with that
I love you Daren
BigBoss wrote:wait wait WHAT.
He was 16 in that verse?
BLARRGGHHHHH nigelthornberry.jpg
BigBoss wrote:still, i thought this was official?
CanadaPure wrote:I'd fuck 12Characters
CrashBand wrote:@OP em's verse was a pretty fucking hot 16
BigBoss wrote:just re read that, yea i thought he said Em was 16 when he did that..
Eminem wrote:I ain't no fucking G, I'm a cannibal
I ain't tryin to shoot you, I'm tryin to chop you into pieces and eat you
Wrap you in rope and plastic, stab you with broken glass
And have you with open gashes strapped to a soakin mattress
Coke and acid, black magic, cloaks and daggers
Fuck the planet, 'til it spins on a broken axis
I'm so bananas I'm showin up to your open casket
To fill it full of explosive gasses and close it back
With a lit match in it while I sit back and just hope it catches
Blow you to fragments, laugh, roll you and smoke the ashes
Almostlity wrote:Grow up faggots
EminemInsider wrote:Jesus Christ, HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?!
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