Yeah I tried a more soothing route to my beats and i thought I should post them and see what I would need and if ya'll like them.
The First beat I wanted to show is my remake of Put you on the Game Prod. by Timbaland. It was my first time reamking something so I thought I wanted to post it.
Put You On The Game (Prod. by Timbo) (Remade by Sy
lo-fi URL: ... 10404&q=lo
hi-fi URL: ... 10404&q=hi
Next is a beat that my sister and I are using for a song we want to write. This was my first attempt at a soothing beat.
We're Family [Beat]
lo-fi URL: ... 10431&q=lo
hi-fi URL: ... 10431&q=hi
and the last beat is my TR track beat. I used what I learned from my previous soothing beat and made this one. made me kinda proud. and I don't really think I'm gonna use it for the tape.