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eminem the kids instrumental - help

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eminem the kids instrumental - help

Postby <VerbalTouch> » Apr 25th, '08, 16:54

K I used the mono settings in order to get the instrumental but you hear some like static anyway to fix this? =/ I used Adaucity ... strumental
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Re: eminem the kids instrumental - help

Postby Xray » Apr 25th, '08, 17:05

lmao, i used to do that before to see if the artist used a type of overlays or not, i learnt that 50 cent USES A SHIT LOAD OF overlays and adlibs on his tracks :laughing:
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Re: eminem the kids instrumental - help

Postby vermin » Apr 25th, '08, 17:41

what's overlay? :unsure:
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