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Postby Boston » Dec 21st, '08, 01:35

well im hitting the studio..sometime before christmas (a good sound quality one)
so if someone on this sites (with good quality, and is halfway decent..) send me a PM..and we can work something out..

if your quality isn't as good, got to wait until at least the 28th of december..
but just hit me up..

i think we can make something hot!

:8) :y:
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Re: Studio..

Postby Requiem » Dec 21st, '08, 01:38

i would like to do a collab, lol, but i'm not "studio" quality. my mic quality's decent, but i don't want to push for a collab if someone with better quality asks.
lol, if no one else hits u up, i'm here :happy:
R.I.P. Proof.
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