ok so i need help
i got my mic set up as follows, mic connected to mixer with a jack lead, then the mixer is connected to the PC Through a USB, it has been installed for almost a year now.
and here's the problem, couple of weeks ago i un-connected my mixer/mic from the computer coz i was moving my room around, now ive done this before and its never gave me any problems. so i connected it back up and for some reason it isnt getting picked up by Cool Edit Pro 2 , or Sony Acid Pro, infact it isnt even getting picked up by the shitty windows voice recorder thing.
now i had this problem when i first got the mixer, back then the only thing that would pick it up was windows voice recorder. and cocoa talked me through it on Cool Edit Pro 2, he had me go into Option>Devie Properties, and also Option>Device Order.
now ive went in there myself and did what i thought might work and it hasnt, so if anyone knows how to get it to work could they help me out ?
just so you got an idea, in Decive Properties, i Have 3 devices USB Audio Codec (the mixer i beileive), C-Media Rear Pannel Audio and Wave Mapper.
ive tried going to "Wave In" and make it USB Audio Codec, but it didnt work...any ideas ?
also by any chance, if i deleted cool edit pro and installed it again, you think it owuld automatically pick up and have the mixer working on it ?