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Becoming a writer-------> Artist; Writing & Mic discussion.

Re: Becoming a writer-------> Artist; Writing & Mic discussi

Postby Ka0t1c » Dec 10th, '11, 05:10

i am a writer. been doing it 10 years, it comes naturally, i just speak my mind and write down notes, sometimes an idea of a verse pops in my head, other times it's just words, but inspiration can hit at any moment, so u should prepare yourself if you really wanna do this. sometimes writer's block occurs, but creativity is always somewhere, u don't always have to write or either force yourself, i write best when it is quiet, i like my alone time, i rap in the shower or in my car when i'm by myself, i'll freestyle, my freestyles aren't always rap but singing with great rhythm and content. no matter what happens, there's always something to do, so if u aint writing, feed ur mind with activities and friends, don't lose hope, keep at it. record your thoughts on paper or audio. audio is prolly best, i used to have a little recorder for that reason which saves the file so u can later go back. even if the song sucks, there might be great points in there that u like a lot and want to use. if u add all these demensions to yourself, your character will form, i guarantee. or you might be having second thoughts on the path u chose. good luck. it isn't always gonna be easy, and that's part of the process, just remember, this is your life!
oh yeah... and thanks for nothing too
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Re: Becoming a writer-------> Artist; Writing & Mic discussi

Postby Ka0t1c » Dec 10th, '11, 05:12

dkhp77 wrote:here, i have a question!

what do you guys do, i mean when writing to a beat.
is there a certain way to do it? how ya'll know how many syllables to have in each line/bar?

it's just that, lately i been trying to write to a beat, but it seems dif(F)icult, because i don't know how many words to fit in a line :'( ...know what i'm saying?

ytrack has a bar where it repeats, so go at the beginning, stop at the end for each bar, that's a line, have fun with it for crying out loud! don't over think shit cuz it will change the whole project
oh yeah... and thanks for nothing too
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