Hi my name is chka-chka ..."Joshi"
i'am from Germany so please dont judje me for little mistakes i will make in the future haha^^
i'am 19 years old and I am a hardcore eminem fan. I listened to him since he came out with the Eminem show (sweet 7 years^^) .As a real fan i had to get the old Albums too. My favorite to this day are my first two albums i bought with my dad the TES and the MMLP. I never understood what Em was talking about but i loved his flow and the Beats but especially the Flow^^ .That never change to this day except that I now know what he says haha
I follow the forum since 2008 but never sign in. Now i want to share my Opinion and Feelings about Marshall and the Shady Family.
So if you want to know something I'm happy to answer !