The TRshady Forum became read-only in December 2014. The 10 year history will live on, in this archive.
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HI all hiphop fans!

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HI all hiphop fans!

Postby Golden » Aug 2nd, '05, 22:56

I just became a member off this site...and i halfto say...its great!
Im a really big fan off Em. and im going 2 his consert in sweden...
I just want to say hello 2 evrybody...and say...keep on going!!!! :D
Me love to ya`all

Kine from norway :wink:
Yeah...keep,keep it real
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Trailer Trash
Trailer Trash
Posts: 175
Joined: Aug 2nd, '05, 22:48
Location: Norway

Postby Sunni » Aug 2nd, '05, 23:49

Welcome.Have fun at the concert

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