Revolutionary wrote:One of the best usernames on TR along with GoodGirlsGetGutted
Rollefsen wrote:Welcome
IBasicallyRage wrote:lol i first hated you. then that last line made me laugh so youre cool
Horse wrote:hi! we have a guy here who fucks dogs in the mouth. his name is silver. if that doesn't bother you, you'll fit in just fine.
Rollefsen wrote:Remember not to double post, son
Just Silver wrote:I think every guy should massage their prostate at least once
InsaneTRex94 wrote:I say let people fuck who they want to fuck and die how they want to die, whether it be from a heart attack after a Big Mac or crushing their skulls under a weight they were trying to lift.
Horse wrote:lel y'all replying to a dude that already got banned
Revolutionary wrote:One of the best usernames on TR along with GoodGirlsGetGutted
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