If u could give someone ten rules to live their life by... What would these rules be?
1.Use ur time wisely - their is no such thing as "free time"
2.Always get to know as many people as possible - in times of trouble ull always get help.
3. Buy yourself a dog as soon as u can, and one that has hunting instics- will teach u to stay with your schedule.
4. Dont underestimate a sitiuation ur in - it could get better or it could get much worse. ( be ready )
5. Dont complain about life - complaining dont solve shit, solutions do.
6. Dont get married until ur done with colledge.
7. If u wanna present urself in the best way possible, become a heallth freak.
8. Dont do wat people want u to do or wat they think is right, only if u like it.
9. Never think that u are smarter than ur parents- just coz u know more about gadgets dont mean u know how to deal with life, its experience that counts. ( Ignore this rule if ur parents are complete losers )
10. Learn to make a perfect lie - as much bad a lie is, it can do much good if u know how to use it.