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If u could give someone ten rules to live their life by

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If u could give someone ten rules to live their life by

Postby AspirinE » Feb 16th, '06, 16:03

If u could give someone ten rules to live their life by... What would these rules be?


1.Use ur time wisely - their is no such thing as "free time"
2.Always get to know as many people as possible - in times of trouble ull always get help.
3. Buy yourself a dog as soon as u can, and one that has hunting instics- will teach u to stay with your schedule.
4. Dont underestimate a sitiuation ur in - it could get better or it could get much worse. ( be ready )
5. Dont complain about life - complaining dont solve shit, solutions do.
6. Dont get married until ur done with colledge.
7. If u wanna present urself in the best way possible, become a heallth freak.
8. Dont do wat people want u to do or wat they think is right, only if u like it.
9. Never think that u are smarter than ur parents- just coz u know more about gadgets dont mean u know how to deal with life, its experience that counts. ( Ignore this rule if ur parents are complete losers )
10. Learn to make a perfect lie - as much bad a lie is, it can do much good if u know how to use it.
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Postby Ka0t1c » Feb 16th, '06, 16:11

1. don't kill me
2. don't kill yourself
3. don't have unprotected sex unless u and ur partner(s) is/are disease free
4. don't be gay
5. don't make fun of special ppl when ur around them or talk about them badly if it's about them being retarded
6. get a job
7. get a hobby
8. put $ in the bank
9. try to become famous for something
10. be original
oh yeah... and thanks for nothing too
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Postby Speech » Feb 16th, '06, 18:00

-be blonde if you r a girl
-live fo rap
-don claim to be ganxta(if you r itz ok)
-be wait had dat b4....
-stay away from germnay if ya black(im goin to leave 2)
-b evrybodys homie
-take alot of stuff with humor......really important
-like KDOG said.....tryna get famous fo summdin(positive)
-try to find a partna you can spend cha life or time with
-don cheat on her or him
-and............grow up as soon as ya can homie......... :angry: ........ ;)

this is my list............TRY DA STUFF HOMIES!!!!! :8)
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Postby yoshi » Feb 16th, '06, 20:16

1. always tell the truth
2. don't hate on other ppl because of their skin color, beliefs, confession etc.
3. treat them the way you'd like them to treat you
4. respect yourself, your health and ur body
5. try to find good sides of life
6. don't complain all the time - it pisses off
7. try to listen to older and more experienced ppl - respect their opinion but:
8. have ur own opinion - don't be conformist. it sucks :p
9. make friends - they always can help you
10. um.. fuck it and try to find your own way to live ur life. :happy:
Maybe wrote:I'm so awesome, I don't mind looking desperate.

Chet wrote:Fuck House. If I wanted to watch a sarcastic person in the medical field, I would stalk Yoshi :8)
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Postby misa » Feb 16th, '06, 22:05

1 dont let anyone force u to do anythin u dint want to do :flower:
2 speak up. :)
3 dont be such a shallow looser :angry:
4 dont be racist n shall put down all the racists
5 be unique :8)
6 think for ur self ur brain is there for a reason :confusion:
7 dont use ppl it is just so0o mean :angry:
8 listen to ppl when they r speaking and think about what they r sayin instead of thinkin about wut u r gonna say
9 dont trust anyone they all mess up :(
10 mmmm try helping ppl who REALLY need ur help like people dying in other countrys cause of lake of water n food n medecine those r who really need ur help not ur friend who wants to buy a new car or w/e
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Postby yoshi » Feb 16th, '06, 22:07

misa wrote:6 think for ur self ur brain is there for a reason :confusion:

LMAO :D :D that's a good point misa :happy:
Maybe wrote:I'm so awesome, I don't mind looking desperate.

Chet wrote:Fuck House. If I wanted to watch a sarcastic person in the medical field, I would stalk Yoshi :8)
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Postby $0 R3@L » Feb 17th, '06, 16:03

1/ be real
2/ follow your dreams
3/ respect life no matter your situation
4/ theres no such thing as cant
5/ fuck the haters
6/ fuck racists
7/ let your heart question what your thinkin
8/ do your thing
9/ acheive all your aims in life
10/ dont be afraid to ask for help
Tony Yayo > 50 cent
yoshi wrote:even after all those years.. So Real > Jesus
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Postby BLAHBLAHBLAH » Feb 19th, '06, 02:47

1. Dance when you feel like dancin
2. Sing when you feel like singin
3. Don't make fun of the nerds in school, in 10 years you'll probably end up workin for one of them (from Bill Gates)
4. Never hold back
5. If something is funny LAUGH!
6. Live everyday like you're gonna die tomorrow
7. Dont fret the little stuff
8. Nver lie (you'll always get caught)
9. Get your 15 minutes of fame then get the heel out of there
10. Take nothing to seriously
I act like shit don't phase me
inside it drives me crazy
my insecurities could eat me alive!
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Postby Ivy » Feb 19th, '06, 03:20

1.) Use time wisely, it goes by too fast.
2.) Don't be racist
3.) School exists for a reason, try to obtain some education when you're there
4.) Keep your lies straight, don't reword or confuse them, a lie ain't worth existing if it becomes the truth
5.) Don't depend solemly on your parents
6.) Don't fall in love to fast, when the right person comes you'll know
7.) Don't put other people ahead of yourself or your kids
8.) Never say you can't when you haven't tried
9.) Complain, complain, complain all you want, it will never change unless you take action
10.) If something seems out of reach, pull up a chair and use it as a boost :smoking: (Read between the lines and you'll get it.)

"My life your entertainment, you watch it while I live it. I walk they folla (ay), I talk they holla (ay), just here for your amusement. My life your entertainment. you watch it while I live it. You waitin' for me to lose it, I guess I'm just here for your amusement..." ~ T.I. feat. Usher "My Life Your Entertainment"
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Postby ines » Feb 23rd, '06, 10:58

don't kill me
if you are a boy, be sure you look like eminem
say what you want to say
have a free mind and spirit
never ever get married
live your own life like you want
fight if you want and distroyed everything that is under your way
kill people that used drugs and drinks alcohol when they are driving by car
never starts a fight, let them beat you first and beats then back
if you ever want to start a career, look first who your idols are and start then
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