The TRshady Forum became read-only in December 2014. The 10 year history will live on, in this archive.
Continue the discussion with the new home for the Eminem and Hip Hop discussion:
I umm... do random things on the internet.
First I go to trshady, then the zombie, then to get my free 5points per day, then, then I go on habbo to check if anything is new, then I go on a few sites about Lost, and then if i'm really really extreamly bored. I go on neopets. Lmao
besides to post and surfing to the eminem sites, i search to everything as long as it is not bad.and for the rest i put my pics into photobucket and search for more sites where i can make maps for free.and surfing on the net about books, movies and so on
- forums
- chatting with ppl who live far away
- chatting with ppl who live not far away and i see them every day lol
- downloading mp3, movies etc.
- sometimes my homeworks
- looking for news and things which i'm interested in
- play cards or scrabble sometimes
Maybe wrote:I'm so awesome, I don't mind looking desperate.
Chet wrote:Fuck House. If I wanted to watch a sarcastic person in the medical field, I would stalk Yoshi