by Ka0t1c » Feb 15th, '06, 08:52
i can constantly crack my knuckles moving my fingers, thats bad tho n also i can constantly crack my jaw on both sides (one side each is what i mean) i think i can temporarily dislocate it but it hurts like fucking hell when i do that, also i think i'll get arthritis if i do the finger cracking, so i quit but its louder when i do it with my index fingers, i used to point at ppl like its a gun n do it...oh u said "talent", ok nevermind.
oh btw, i can type my abcs in a few seconds, but its not in order n most the time i have a letter in there more than once, lol, see: i did it! (no extra letters)
Last edited by
Ka0t1c on Feb 15th, '06, 08:58, edited 2 times in total.