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Does Dreams Mean Somethin'?

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Postby ines » May 12th, '06, 10:07

i believe in it.if everybody wants it, i explain it here next week.i have something special against me.i feel when something gonna happens.i dream something and then a vieuw weeks or month later, i read or here it somewhere and then i know that i have dream it.i have spiritual things in me, and that's why it's so hard to explain it, because i know everybody gonna laugh with it and that's why i don't explain it now.
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Postby rory » May 12th, '06, 17:13

sometimes dreams mean something,sometimes not....
i think dreams is where ur subconsciousness comes into action,it's like during the day u experience a lot of things and ur subconsciousness just sorta plays out for u and sometimes even is trying to tell u something..
other times u just dream about things u fear the most which are nightmares and i also think that the dead r real should they appear in ur dreams cos dead people can't really talk to us while we're awake.
the only dreams i remember much like everyone else r the one that freak the hell outta me!
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Postby Emycaro » May 13th, '06, 02:41

i knEw tha drEams mEans somEthing 2....
for ExamplE:
i knEw whEn you drEam with somEtin bad, somEthing good gonna happEn....

o whEn you drEam with a marriagE...somEbody gonna diE (i guEss) --it's likE thE old thing of a grandma--

thE only i'm surE is that you always drEam whit pErsons you lovE....

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Postby Homie_4_life » May 13th, '06, 06:57

Sometimes. Like I can sometimes see images in the future in my dreams. :confusion: (my great- great- great- grandma was a indian medicine women) And other times you can inturpret the dreams to mean something.
Sorry Ive been gone guys. School and work are major suck fests. I am trying to get back on here more
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