CrashBand wrote:Yeah, WTC 7 was usually the smoking gun, and what puzzles me the most, still leaving me with the thought of an inside job.
My point earlier about it being a lot harder to disprove these "facts" than it is to spread them could apply though.
It's always "the fires could not have made the building fall symmetrically" often said as a blanket statement without any real evidence backing it up. I suppose if it had been peer reviewed and it was certainly impossible for the building to fall like that, then yes, it would have probably been an inside job.
But I think the burden of proof perhaps should be on showing that it can't occur naturally. Imagine setting fire to a tree and watching it burn and persuasively stating that it's impossible for that to happen naturally. You have to then justify how it's impossible to the nth degree - not just "it's never happened before".
Well, look in to the science; many have proven that it cannot occur naturally. Not only that, but no steel structure in history has ever collapsed from fire damage let alone demolished itself in 7 seconds: honestly man, look at Building 7, it wasn't hit by a plane! it had minimal fire damage yet out of nowhere floors start blowing out and it goes down like a house of cards in 7 seconds :/ you don't need a peer-reviewed paper to tell you that's just not plausible lmao.
Not to mention the traces of nano-thermate found all over the place, which by the way, there has been a peer-reviewed paper on that. There has been no explanation for the traces of nano (some un-detinated) thermate in the debri / dust of the buildings (all three)... I mean, how do you explain that? nano-thermate is an explosive, the kind of high-tech explosive that you would expect if these buildings were demolished. No explanation has been given.
I mean... I don't get in to who did it and why, I have my personal beliefs but, due to the nature of media characterizing anybody who even QUESTIONS any official story put out ever as a 'nutty conspiracy theorist', I keep my distance from things I can't prove...
But, just in terms of physics man... a symmetrical free-fall collapse? that just can't happen naturally. Not only did it happen on 9/11, but it happened three times.
Fire can't cause a building to fall symmetrically because fire damage is not consistent. For a building to fall in symmetry, all floors / structures need to fail at once, at the same time... that's the reason it takes skilled professionals to do that, because it's not an easy thing to pull off. And even beyond the symmetry - a building falling free-fall? free-fall means NOTHING underneath it aka no resistance: there's simply been no explanation as to how that occurred, and there never will be. Because free-fall collapses can only happen if nothing is resisting the collapsing structure...
Honestly man, just going by basic physics - the official theory, is not possible.