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EXAMS - are you ready for them?

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how ready are you?

Maintained a high grade throughout the year, no big deal.
Was more preocupied with doodles during classes, will start from page one, let the force be with me.
Skool iz fo l00zerz, im gone go watch some quality Television, will pretend to work when my parents are home.
Total votes : 15

EXAMS - are you ready for them?

Postby AspirinE » Apr 24th, '06, 11:28

Its that time of the year again. God I hate it!!! its almost like counting down the last days you got to live.

The big question> Do you think you're ready or are gonna be blowing dust of your maths textbook in hopes to learn something in the last weeks before exams?
Last edited by AspirinE on Apr 25th, '06, 10:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby AspirinE » Apr 24th, '06, 11:48

Sarah wrote:I never make a big deal outta exams. Never studied for one in my life and always seemed to pass. It runs in my brothers both never ever study and they always pass - even with the hard subjects, but I don't do the hard ones, it's all easy ones for me :p . But with maths exams I usually fly through them - always been pretty understandable of maths. Other exams are usually pretty easy, and if I fail its usually a subject I don't care about..

trust me, the closer u get to graduation the more important exams seems ;)

Looking back at the school years, i think i should have never even given a fuck about all the grades before grade 10 :8)
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Postby matz » Apr 24th, '06, 12:49

i got gcses in da next month. im not sure how im doin tbh :confusion:
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Postby MuNxMuN » Apr 24th, '06, 13:14

i don't have exams till june :sweating: but i'm worried about my bio one the most cause i have no clue what the fuck the teacher is talking about more than half the time :'( my other ones should be easy....i just have to cram a lil bit the night before :giggle:
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Postby rory » Apr 24th, '06, 13:16

i'm soooooooo scared and stressed as fuck lol,i usually get really good marks(everyone tells me i'm smart) but i lack confidence and i feel like i'm gonna fail cos our exams r really hard :'( :'( :loudcry:
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Postby AspirinE » Apr 24th, '06, 13:19

I say the whole world should boycott exams, we have one month till exams and 5000 members here, so maybe if we all try sabbotage our schools and colledges we might avoid them this year.

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Postby ines » Apr 24th, '06, 13:23

can't vote on this one, because i don't go to school anymore, i going to work.but in the time i went to school, i hated the exams, all that study, nothing for me.but hey, i passed all my exams good
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Postby MuNxMuN » Apr 24th, '06, 13:29

i usually don't get worked up over exams cause i always forget about them....i usually remember the day of the exam :laughing:
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Postby MuNxMuN » Apr 24th, '06, 13:36

i did that once for my geometry test i wrote all the formulas on a lil sheet of paper and i STILL got a b on it :swear: :sweating:
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Postby MuNxMuN » Apr 24th, '06, 13:46

i think it's a rule for teachers to not say anything bad to their students :giggle:
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Postby AspirinE » Apr 24th, '06, 13:54

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Postby Fi.J. » Apr 24th, '06, 16:58 more appropriate question than this one!!
in june I've got the exams to finish the high school..then?university..but now I'm more worried about the exams than about the future next.I have always studied and got good marks,but I'm still sooooo nervos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby A Chicago Thing » Apr 24th, '06, 17:03

MIdterms - yay!

Web Design - it's a 100 class, so I'm not worried at all. I'm way ahead of everyone but i havent been doing any homework cause im bored so I better ace it.

Gay/Lesbian seminar - need to take atleast one seminar before you graduate. Since the gays have a huge stronghold in Chicago, I figured on educatin myself. It's a take home so not worried.

intercultural communications - a combination of anthropology and communications. Since i've taken antrho classes that are much more advance than this class (taking cause it's a requirement) so not worried.

only three classes, it's spring. i needed a break. (i'm on trimester, so it's not that big of a break)
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Postby yoshi » Apr 24th, '06, 17:56

i've got exactly 370 days till my A-levels.. :sweating: i've got to pass polish, extended english, ext. biology, chemistry and science. lmaof. i'm not ready, considering the fact that last time i opened my science book was like 3 yrs ago, before graduating to high-school. :confusion: :confusion: i have no idea HOW i'm gonna pass extended science, but we'll see.. just wish me luck :8)
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Postby Hunneh_Buns » Apr 24th, '06, 23:26

I'm not ready for them now cause I don't got exams till June :p But usually I maintain a good grade throughout the year. :smoking:
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