by EminemBase » Sep 4th, '12, 02:03
It's all those things and more.
Like most things, it's very hard to slap a single word or phrased definition on it due to the fact words and concepts are so variable, and potentially vague (and subjective).
Music is... or, can be; entertaining, funny, thrilling, compelling, catchy, stupid, absurd, fun - it can be all these things, and it holds up many bridges.
I think if I had to pick a single word to best describe a feeling I would associate with music, it would be probably be 'escape'. I think music is, for me, and many people, an escape. And that can be an escape in any sense; it can be an escape from depression, or it could be a more positive and conscious escape in to richer or more interesting territory.
I think we often use music to sort of parallel our moods and whatever you happen to be feeling or thinking often dictates what music you choose.
If I had to pick a quality that I most enjoy, overall, that I get from music, it would be intellectual fulfillment. Which is why I'm primarily a hip-hop fan; as I really haven't felt it with any other genre to the same degree, or even close to the same degree, or by the same measures. Hip-hop is full of ideas, provocation, concepts, social commentary - and because it often attempts to be a conversation with the listener, the richest combination of these things often occurs.