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Line in "Rabbit Run"...

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Re: Line in "Rabbit Run"...

Postby X'ed Up » Mar 10th, '10, 00:12

dR3 correcting me like always :smoking:
Props to csg370^

"Pop a xanax, relax"
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X'ed Up
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Re: Line in "Rabbit Run"...

Postby forgot_about_matt » Apr 2nd, '10, 17:33

Rabbi wrote:The line doesn't bother me that much but i always wondered what he was talking about and also who

I know that you got a job Ms. Cheney <-- she was

:facepalm Lynne Cheney, a noted critic of Eminem and wife of (at that time) Vice President Dick Cheney, who has a heart condition (that unfortunately hasn't killed the crazy mofo yet).
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