This is something new he did and he asked me to post it
You can put me in a pit and I`ll be a free man,just link me wit
If I hit you wit all my heads,it`ll explode like hydrogen bomb
You`re a pussy and I`ll trow you in a bin so you can recycle
And only blood you ever saw is from a menstrual cycle
Yoo,I`ll shoot you in your butt and call you an Asshole
Then run you over wit a train and stomp on your depressed soul
See first I took your life,now I`m gonna take your style
Change everyones lifestyle and make`em run 4 miles
I take everything for half it is,check it again it IS a diss
"BILI`s whack"-I`ll chop anyone who ever says this
Ima rapper equpied wit the power of thelepathy and telekanises
And fuckin hotter to watch then Apathy killing your nieces
All I can say is wow at the first bar
I wrote explanation for some,cause I didnt get some of the shit first time I read it:
1.Bar-Its like:Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman have a movie called 7 together,so I`ll hit you wit all my 7 heads,and hydrogen=Hydra,the monster
2.Bar-Recycle Bin,everybody got that,then pussy-menstrual cycle
3.Bar-Shoot in but-asshole,lol and train-soul Soul-Train baby
Everything alse is easy to get