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Postby Ka0t1c » Feb 16th, '06, 16:49

Rap Soul, did u say ur name should be Loser and that would be sexy??? u really r screwed up
oh yeah... and thanks for nothing too
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Postby rory » Feb 16th, '06, 17:12

hmmm this is a sensitive topic for me lol i think rory....but wait that's my nickname,i did always like the name jessie :p
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Postby yoshi » Feb 16th, '06, 20:27

Abdul or Hassan - if i were boy lol :p but these are soooo cool [both come from Arabia or somewhere near there :p] :'( damn.

and since i'm a girl i can't be called Hassan or Abdul, so i'll stay by my current name - Nina :p
Maybe wrote:I'm so awesome, I don't mind looking desperate.

Chet wrote:Fuck House. If I wanted to watch a sarcastic person in the medical field, I would stalk Yoshi :8)
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