I'm the opposite of a philanthropist, phones ringing will you answer this?
Taking away from you things that will not be missed. Class dismissed.
Like the bell rang, slaying demons like Van Helsing, straight blasphemous.
Might need a gas mask for this, making ya stand back and gasp "Oh Shit"
I'm here, the end is near, i'm praying on your fears, let me make shit clear.
take the veneers and slice you ear to ear, blood loss severe, who's next can I have a volunteer?
To get behind the wheel and steer, after a thirty pack of beer and try to shift the gear
into first, i've gotten a blood thirst and since you arrived it's gotten much worse,
I've been cursed, to put you in a hurst, cock load it then shot's disperse.
Speakin backwords so to understand me you gotta play it reversed
I rehearsed with the devil to get to this level when i wrote this verse.
any feedback?
I wrote it to this beat, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcqPq518 ... re=related
I like to do that.. it gives me inspiration.