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The Fireworks(poetry)

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The Fireworks(poetry)

Postby neversnooze » Jul 14th, '10, 05:51

in this piece, i write about how love can be explosive.

Evil genius devising a unstable shell for cupid
A new design to bring love and blow to guide
Elegance by one unexpected by the opposite
Understanding words and actions will be clouded
Ffffffff ssssssssssshhh flickering lights sparkling fireworks
Mounted on the ground of our feet’s,
glazing up above our heights, saddling up on this explosive
Ready for the launch like a brand new year
The lit match stick burned like a surge
Fuse was a delay unlike today, prepared to detonate
We are a pair like powder embedded with bursting charges
Our direction is sky high, continue going straight
Riding it beyond the borders like a stallion on rockets
The crowd is like a wild sparkler
There cheers flew entertainingly bright through,
As we approach to the finish line we Boom into our honey moon
Sometimes I stay up so late that I have my morning coffee before I go to bed
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Re: The Fireworks(poetry)

Postby gutawafang » Jul 14th, '10, 08:43

woot woot! this is good man. i like how certain objects replace certain feelings. inspiring man. :worship:
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Re: The Fireworks(poetry)

Postby Yah-hah » Jul 14th, '10, 23:19

Hell yeah man I've always dug the neversnooze pieces I like the style. I'ma big poetry guy and this piece was good man I dig the vibes from it :y:

"Red hand I use to reach deep in my dark quiver,
Arrow so big the fuckin bones in ya arm splinter
Fuckin crazy I'll stick my hand throgh ya hearts center,
With sharp scissors the words Native Pride gets carved in her,

Trimss wrote:Your dog is cute, your tattoo fucking rocks, you can fight and your baby have a big dick.
Your life is cool bro lol :y:

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