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Postby Lupidshwoopshh » Aug 1st, '10, 06:43

Imagination is ta truth on roof tops
Take a plunge parachute based off
accusation a main clock tic tic tic tic ticed
talk talk talk talk talk talked walk it n a way
N saved deranged men sane man same man
danged 2 hell nails banged sail a way mangled n strangled
In mutt turd under another suffered encumber flow
thunder mo turd n boats moats float cloud nine note know it
It's goin smokin hot smolderin a post sun scorch men chillin
Icy enough n still stealin' snuffin, sluffin class bass ackwards as back when
stoled on em, u better say it was your womans undies, or ur babies mom
I punched another man, line up I'm the slacked n you the mudder fucker!
Closet Cleaner
Closet Cleaner
Posts: 17
Joined: Jul 8th, '10, 03:41

Re: Image

Postby UzaKING » Aug 1st, '10, 06:48

Uhh I think you got 1 syllable good job :y:
Trailer Trash
Trailer Trash
Posts: 343
Joined: Jan 29th, '10, 22:08

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