by Evan C. » Aug 6th, '10, 23:54
CoSh wrote:buffalo bill wrote:Not lyrical? It's one of his best songs lyrically. It wouldn't have been nearly as good otherwise.
It really isn't lyrical at all, but i respect that it wasn't meant to be
For the concept of the song, hell yes it is. You can't hold the same standard for a song where he's describing in amazing detail killing his wife's lover, her son, and then his wife to a song where he's just rhyming for the sake of rhyming...uh, Amityville for example.
And anyway, the song has its share of multis: brain is racin'/change the station, powdered you/now you're two, out your mind/house is mine,have a fight/grab a knife/apple sliced, etc.
Last edited by
Evan C. on Aug 6th, '10, 23:55, edited 1 time in total.
MikeNUFC, Amadeo, Evan C., EminemInsider
= you dealin' with a few true villains