SiiNiDE wrote:ChinaShopTaurus wrote:Name a punchline that doesn't incorporate one of those.
Warbux: "Can you even hear the fucking percussion?" - A Punchline in a battle of his which is talking about a guy being off beat. No wordplay or metaphores or similies.
spoonfull: "You're liking men and you can't even deny it kid, looking
like cire's twin carved outta vagina skin" in his battle agains Kobra Ky. No metas/similies/wordplays... Direct punches are very effective and usually stem from personals.
Those are just 2 examples off the top of my head, out of many.
He did use a simile in both cases. In the second one it was obvious, 'cause he used
like. And in the first one he compared two unlike things, ''hear'' and ''percussion''. A simile doesn't always include ''like'', ''as'' or ''than''. However, you could argue that the first one isn't a simile. People have been arguing about similes that don't include ''like'', ''as'' and ''then'' over the past few decades..
Personally, I agree with ChinaShopTaurus. I also want to highlight something ChinaShopTaurus added about the flow being not a part of lyricism... I couldn't agree more. You can't give feedback on the flow when you read a verse, unless you have the beat the writer used to write to. And, still, you would have a hard time figuring out his/her flow.