My punches are crooked like a criminal with e.d.
the English language is my bitch, this shit is so easy
the beat conforms to my flow,
every producer alive is convinced I'm psycho.
My pen bleeds 16's and cums out punchlines,
My writing skills thrive under pressure, especially crunch-time.
Everybody and thing is addicted to doubting me,
even my pen takes time out to underestimate me.
That shit just builds me up and convinces me to get better,
To lyrically fuck your mind and consistently make you wetter.
These sweet fluid flows pour from this pitcher i call my brain like pink lemonade.
Never ask me for a feature because I'm known as a motherfucking Renegade.
Cosh has got this rap thing locked,
and if that falls apart I'd have this punk thing rocked.
Multis, flow, and wordplay are a major part of my repretoire,
and if you want beef, the punches will come out harder than Rocky 4.