Narcissist, with a sex drive so good, my car is pissed,
Looking for sluts, bitch, or a kind of skank or whore,
That I can try and tongue more than my canker sore,
Plus I spank’er more, than most Republican parents,
My dick wiggles, I get mixed signals, her breast sends,
She won’t let me cum between them like best friends,
I sweat her with buttons down, that’s my cardigan,
Moses staff had her Red Sea and virgin blood part again,
I strip search any girl, with a fist full of just picky ones,
Then leave her asshole like she’s shitting sticky buns,
I’m gonna fuck your girl’s throat, a notso painless deal,
Split her in half, is her frame made with stainless steel,
I have brainless zeal, I’m a cartoon character nameless seal,
And I never drop A-bombs, I only drop these F-Bombs,
And sell my double disc to kids that have deaf moms,
It was inevitable, like how MTV teaches the bitch word,
“Billy, your mom sucks more dick than 5 leaches on Richard,”