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truth about my coat, short story

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truth about my coat, short story

Postby Ka0t1c » Nov 26th, '10, 22:23

two months ago i went on the internet to spend a couple
hundred bucks on a good coat, i thought what the heck
and since it has got cold, my skin has been shiverin
because they put the delivery on hold
told me it went to virginia
they sent it to a different zip code
it isn't diliberate, no
but i wish things weren't this difficult
well anyhow, i feel like an idiot now
the box's area is destination unknown
it could probably be in india
will it ever get home
it's almost december
just the ending of thanksgiving
and i am beginning to think
i should end my order or
try buying again from a real store
oh yeah... and thanks for nothing too
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