I want to make a new soundclick page. I started out with Xray Beatz, but I'm not too fond of that name anymore. Thought of Politicks, Alcatraz, Alcazar, but they are all taken. Hell there's even an MC Heist, some european dude, but fuck that dude, he didn't go no where with that name, and I love that name too much to let it go, so I might just use The Illegal Heist (also my rap persona) but I'm open for suggestions.
I know you're thinking what's wrong with this guy, a heist is illegal anyway. But the story behind that name is pretty much a political reference. They rob the world everyday, but because they have power over the public, it's legal for them to heist banks for power, while the rest of the world suffers...so "Illegal Heist" meaning if I rob a bank it's illegal, while it is legal for the government...