They say my brain is fucked, shit I ain't even got my nerves right
I'll drown you in a tub full of burnt ice
Only reason for god to like me is cuz I bash faggots & hurt dykes
At the turnpike, running over cars in a dirt bike
Fuck love, gimme sex at first sight
Not running rampant i'm running rancid
Stabbing serial killers & mugging bandits
Shove a radioactive spider up your ass & see if the bugging transmits
So spaced out from guzzling acid that i'm juggling planets
The minute you see me you'll be pleading for help
I'll whip you with a fucking meteor belt
Deep fry you and force you to start eating yourself
Greetings from hell, my body temperature causes heating to melt
feedback: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=109582
P.S. i'm considering getting rid of that bugging transmits line because its too long & kinda ruins the flow, should I get rid of it, change it to something or keep it?