good joke. Didn't know that one yet actually.
Do you know this one?
A guy is on a vacation on his own. He's wandering around in Edingburgh and feeling the need to talk to somebody. Only person that is available is a little boy playing with a ball in the yard, also by himself. The man walks over but doesn't quite know what to say. He wants to show off a bit, so he says: "Hey boy. I am a very important manager at an international company." The boy stops to play with the ball and turns his head. "Okay.", is his only answer. "I studied science.", adds the man, sure that this will impress the boy. The boy just looks. "Whatever." The manager is getting annoyed with the boy and thinks to show really that he's better than the kid: "I even understood Einsteins theory of relativity. Do you know anything about that?" The boy blinks than says: "Can I ask a question in return?" "Sure."
"How does it come that the poo of a horse is a ball, the poo of a cow flat and the poo of a rabbit consists of small balls but they all eat grass?" The man thinks a minute, then answers: "I really don't know." "So...", answers the boy, " want to talk with me about Einsteins theory of relativity, but you don't know anything about shit?"