Hey, Innovation! Where have you been? Haven't seen you drop in a while. But you have gotten a lot better in that time
Your multies have gotten longer, and less forced-sounding. Shit was good, but then again I've never seen a bad drop from you. You conveyed your message clearly. Rhymes and flow were consistent. Idk what to tell you as constructive criticism, really. Except...why'd you pick acting as your theme topic?
What up, C.R.E.A.M? It's crazy how much you've improved in just the past few months! Before your rhymes didn't make much sense, and sounded a little too forced (lol sorry). But now, damn, I can see you've caught on pretty quickly and you're conveying messages through your rhymes without much struggle. I liked your topic; trying to make it as a rapper. I think it would pertain to a lot of people on this board, for obvious reasons. Only thing is, the rhymes were a little iffy around the beginning:
"If your passion to achieve strong enough
And your assholes enimies are picking on your dream, no applause from them
Cause when it may seem just hard on ya
Remember that you can be whatever you wanna be bro .. the fuck's stopping ya ?"
Is "strong enough" supposed to rhyme with "applause from them"? I can kinda see it working, but it's reaching.
Anyway, good drop you two. Went flawlessly with the beat