Christmas doesn't come to us camel jocks/
so I dressed in camouflage and sabotaged a chimney for Santa Clause/
'till there was some serious damage caused!/ *crashing sounds*
smacked a fat bitch who was dressed like a hoe/
and told her "quit eating; only digest Diet Coke/
and get me some fresh, ironed clothes!!"/
now I've got a court date to evade; never confess--lie on oath/
got these shrinks tryin' to guess my M.O./
but whenever I express my emo-tions they suggest a higher dose/
went to the Vatican to get blessed by the Pope/
but he hung himself by the neck by a rope/
right after he says that I'm possessed by a ghost/
guess I best buy a goat and sacrifice it; cut the flesh by the throat/
cuz what this sinner needs is some intervenin'/
but these God damn inner demons ain't in agreement!!/
Haha, Idk, take it for what it is.
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