Just a fun verse. Obviously, none of this is true.
Help! I've been Eaten.
This guy I know was planning to exsanguinate his girlfriend,
But instead had to hang his mate, Cause she kept squirming,
Had her for dinner, Amazing dish, Best thing I ever ate,
Then he caught a winner's fish, for a side on the plate,
Then, he took the remains, showed it flashcards,
Used part of it as a tire, on his smashed car,
Taught it football, threw the ball, he passed hard,
Hit her in the face, that was her last start,
Signed the bitch up for fucking e-school,
Had her communicate with some of the people,
Taught her to fire a weapon, she was lethal,
Even in death she could shoot a seagull,
Then one day, the police raided his house,
Found her in the stairway, wearing a blouse,
She had rotted to bones, nothing left to prove,
He had eaten her insides, mashed em up so they were smooth.
And that was the story, of hardball jim,
Who would eat your mom, and your limbs.