Feed: http://forum.trshady.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=124174&p=1743165#p1743165
Fuck it I think just I’m about to let loose/
Cause I just finished drowning in red goose/
Went ahead and killed a prick filled med group/
Tapped into secruity, now im in the feds loop/
Dead drouping dickheads piled in my basement/
Faggot, your next after I go to the body case rent/
Maggots crawling over da bodyies and gray vents/
Bags, pots, dead dogs, guns, and brave men/
Have all found a grave, ending in my living room/
So be scared knowing I’m coming soon/
{Gun Shot}
{Head Splater}
Hahahaha, told you.
Any feed would be appreciated mates