Asterisk is a really dope stage/writer name. If You Can Save Me Now, crazy production. One of the highlights off of The Family Sign for me. Because of the beat, I read it with Slug's voice in mind. It actually flowed very well for me. Although it's enjoyable, I agree with Mr. DGAF about this piece being inconsistent. It's a solid piece, but definitely improvable. Definitely confusing for my dialect/accent to try to get the rhymes here and there, so I can't even be sure if you meant for certain parts to rhyme. For example was star-clear supposed to be apart of the rhyming quatrain? If so, wonderful, if not it works just as well because of the flow.
Guitar strings shaking from the stage near
Distract me from my craziness and raging here
I figure
stages near/raging hereor
stage near/rage hereWould work better than stage near/raging here, flow and technique wise. But I'm assuming that crossed your brain and decided stage near and raging here would work better for you. There's not much else I can help with. I enjoyed the diction and imagery in this, and I'd like to note that the first couplet flowed brilliantly.
Here I am, sitting in the bar seat
Wishing I could fall mill meters in the concrete
Other than that, I can't say much else. As I said, solid, but you could easily diversify your rhyme schemes and at least come correct with consistent 2-3 syllable rhymes. It was clearly not an attempt to have complex and intricate rhymes, which is why I'm only noting it and not saying to improve on that because for all I know you can do it. Keep dropping CREAM.