1. Download Mix
2. Listen To Every Song so you can get a feel from it..try listening to lyrics, music composition, meaning ect(may have to listen to some more then one time to like it or get a feel for it)
3. Post Opinions Of Tracks
4. Discuss The Tracks/Artists(dont just say i like it or i hate it..give details)
5. Say What else you'd like to hear from certain artists or sound like certain artists(could list specific genres too)
6.Learn to experience new music and be open to new listen to different kinds of music before judging if you like it or not
Track List(in order of file name)
Band Name-Song Name
1. The Velvet Underground- Venus In Furs
2. cKy- 96 Quite Bitter Beings
3. Motorhead- Overkil
4. Nirvana- You Know YouB.K.A. The King of Kale A.K.A. The Superfood Sensai
I still rap better than you.