These homies from Brisbane discovered me off of. " 1 Train " An @asaprocky feature I laid a while back .. One of them said to me .. "America might not get you bro but we do and that's all that matters " .. And he was persistent .. Challenging my American fans to my Australian / South African fans .. I told him people scream in my ear every fucking night about what numbers from who did what ?!! .. @McMiller, @Mclamore, @Macintosh , @McDonalds, @mycrackernuttz " .. Look I may be a white boy .. But save the " 92 black comedian jokes" .. Cause we're not ALL the same... right @cthagod ? .. Oh wait .. Yeah we are ... I forgot .. I still don't use a wash rag .. #irishspringcommercial #whitetrash #whatwaseminemthinking #SLUMERICAN