Put your actual, full reviews of the song in here. Tell the forum what you truly think about it.
The song kicks off with Eminem rapping a pretty typical verse for an Eminem verse. Throws Da Vinci and Ren and Stimpy references in there. It goes into a fairly catchy chorus, perhaps one of his most catchy since his comeback, and then comes the second verse. The second verse is all over the place, where he's pretty much poking fun at rappers who "joke rap" or just rhyme words while not really talking about anything in particular. The lyrics of the second verse actually aren't that bad, it's just how he delivers it. I believe that he mocks Nicki Minaj in this verse. Then the third verse, where the infamous ugly Kardashian and Lamar O shot are placed. It's a great, very entertaining verse.
Now, production. It's wonderfully produced. It gives off a real old school, Beastie Boys vibe that I'm really digging. And the DJ scratches in the middle of the song, fucking fantastic. It sort of gives me that MMLP vibe because MMLP actually used guitars quite often. The beats on that album were more hip hop oriented, sure, but I believe that this song will be one of the few "rock-ish" type songs on this album. Or maybe he named it MMLP 2 because it HAS a rock vibe? We'll see. But I really love the production, it's sharp, crisp, and powerful.
As a single, I think this song works to throw people off. Not Afraid sounded nothing like the rest of Recovery, to me anyway, and was among the worst songs on the album. We Made You sounded nothing like the album. My Name Is, The Real Slim Shady, Without Me, and Just Lose It sounded nothing like their albums. I feel like it will be the same way with Berzerk.
Survival is better than it from a mere lyrical standpoint, but just as an overall song...Berzerk works and is awesome. 8/10.