Penis Fly Trap
Potentially Silvers best post ever.
i remember i was in a dentists waiting room and i laughed
Penis Fly Trap
Potentially Silvers best post ever.
The Batman wrote:When i stepped in the shady game, people tipped me for shame
too bad i werent prepped for the fame, cause the stress is getting insane
too many posters, imposing their toasted out of focus boastings upon us
so called flawless flow from basedshady is close to making me nauseous
Emma stone dont even got enough bone to help her drone
my floppy stiffy up to scone her psycho clone to leave her alone- rollefsen!
Ellen page dont get me started, this stan must be damn retarded
The only garden that you stayin in is michael myers
Only goat i see here is Menzo, but hes kept me in friend zone
Kendrick lamb hyped so much they consider criticism an insult
Cant even remember the rest of you, This hectic september is through the roof
a new vid, a new kid, the batman is gunning for some noobs
so Almostility this one is for you, Sajn, Solace, Sammy too
I still love your mother, things will never change.
Think about her every day.
yoshi wrote:Chet Starr wrote:When we had a movie review section that was ran by some crazy bitch
We actually thought movie reviews would give us more members
fuck you, i was a co-founder
Notalius wrote:^linklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklinklink
walend wrote:yoshi wrote:Chet Starr wrote:When we had a movie review section that was ran by some crazy bitch
We actually thought movie reviews would give us more members
fuck you, i was a co-founder
haha dammit you're still posting?.... what age are you now? 59?
Maybe wrote:I'm so awesome, I don't mind looking desperate.
Chet wrote:Fuck House. If I wanted to watch a sarcastic person in the medical field, I would stalk Yoshi
SajN wrote:The "Sadistik Called Eminem Shit on Facebook" thread.
Sadistik himself even became a member to post in that thread after all the shit, lol.
yoshi wrote:
oh you, little funny guy
close enough, 26.
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