Okay I may be a year of and a few beers drunk, but hey!
If anyone who still hasnt get to see who I am wants to know by now theres still time before world corruption..
Okay so my name is Karl and Im 22 years old. Im from the cold country of Sweden, based north in Europe, next to the fagget SajN in Norway....
My second language is english since school (skipped 9th grade) so dont except anything great...
This time of year its the worst. Its like purgatory of seasons. Theres no specific temperature or light level or aanything. everything seems to be random just to piss us of.
Well back to me, I am a sceptic human being who just got diagnosed with a weak kind of ADD/ADHD which isnt that visual. I have cooped with it without meds for like 19 years, and its just now Im trying to sort it out.
I have a girlfriend since over 3 years back and we got engaged on our 2 year day.
I drink as often as I get chance to (no work, no girlfriend, no driving, no family time etc)
Cause Im kind of an alcoholic... Not that I cant get a hold of my self but I love fucking alcohol!
Anyway Im drunk and I dont know what to say. Heres a fucking video of me and my life....
Shut the fuck up...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OggyZw4C ... e=youtu.be