by Brainless BadGuy » Jan 18th, '14, 12:39
I have extremely mixed feelings about this song, I don't necessarily think it's a weak song cause Em's verses are pretty damn powerful (Dre's are meh) I honestly don't actually like the beat at all for some reason and think it gets tiresome really quick.
Whenever I listen to the song after months I quite enjoy it and feel it's a solid track but afterwards I never get an urge to listen to it again - there's no standout line/tune to lure me back, it all feels pretty routine...and it's too long imo.
Em's voice and delivery are goat tho.
Q. What did Eminem say to 50 when he caught him wearing a sweater?
I ain't no fucking G, I'm a cannibal
I ain't tryin to shoot you, I'm tryin to chop you into pieces and eat you
Wrap you in rope and plastic, stab you with broken glass
And have you with open gashes strapped to a soakin mattress
Coke and acid, black magic, cloaks and daggers
Fuck the planet, 'til it spins on a broken axis