brady50 wrote:My brother is a fan of 360 and he said he enjoyed the album. I haven't listened to it, but from what I heard from my brother it still has some poppy beats and crappy hooks. He did say that it is less commercial than falling and flying, though.
I really like 'Sixavelli', but it has some dodgy and random punchlines.
True Wiz wrote:It's definitely a step forward if he wants to branch out of Australia.
I really didn't enjoy it from an introspective perspective. Tracks like Eddie Jones and Purple Waterfall are some of the best turn up songs I've ever heard out of Australia. If you can honestly say this album has any worthwhile emotional tracks, I'm not going argue with you, but come on.
Still Rap and Sixavelli are still some of the dopest aussie Hip Hop songs I've ever heard.
(btw in no way am I a Hip Hop purist by any means lol, I've got an EP dropping soon that's almost dominated by trap-ish beats, and one that actually features Miracle from Eddie Jones)
I just felt like it was a little bit of let down.
Just Silver wrote:I think every guy should massage their prostate at least once
Amadeo wrote:It's a step down from Falling and Flying and WYSIWYG, but at least he tried to do different stuff delivery-wise.
The lame thing about the album is it's exactly what you'd expect, content-wise. You expect 360 to rap about how fame sucks once he's become famous, knowing he's a huge Eminem fan, who did exactly the same thing. He's a great writer, but he seems to have no problem with spouting out cliche after cliche.
His first verse of Still Rap is dope. His delivery on Sixavelli is completely flat/boring, and Lunar C sucks on that song...his punching in sounds awful. Early Warnings might be his best song, though...everything comes together so naturally.
Pixel wrote:Fair enough
Lol i dont know what you mean about the subject matter, he only had a few songs where he talked on fame and when he did he kept it pretty middle of the road, as in he doesnt say that it sucks, he said there are good and bad things to it, i think you're just hearing him say that because thats what you expected so much, the album actually covered a few topics,
Amadeo wrote:Pixel wrote:Fair enough
Lol i dont know what you mean about the subject matter, he only had a few songs where he talked on fame and when he did he kept it pretty middle of the road, as in he doesnt say that it sucks, he said there are good and bad things to it, i think you're just hearing him say that because thats what you expected so much, the album actually covered a few topics,
Well, The Price of Fame is basically "fame is not all it's cracked up to be," which is exactly the route you'd expect him to take. I wouldn't mind if he approached the topic well like Eminem does in Say Goodbye Hollywood, but he doesn't. It's a really generic pop song with only 28 rap lines where he doesn't really explore anything in depth or say anything in an interesting way.
He actually writes well about it on Justice's song The Fight of My Life. That's much better than The Price of Fame, writing-wise.
The other topics (religion is bad/homophobia is bad etc.) are executed in a pretty generic way. He's rhyming decently on It's All About To End, but the things he's saying are so unbelievably cliched it's hard to ignore.
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