Slim Shady-esque horrorcore nonsense.
There's a time and a place for you to step in my face
and this ain't it, your about to be buried by insane wit
I'll write you a letter pretending to be your friend
You open it and gasp at the sinister shit I've penned
The first line reads "Come on and meet me if you'd like to"
The second continues by sayin that "I'm not gonna fight you"
The third says "You better bring some body armour though-
cause you gon' get tossed like I was doing the hammer throw"
So when we do eventually meet one dark night in the street
you're a shaking bag of meat, standing ready to retreat
So I just stroll up to you with a wide grin on my face
That's when I stop, bend down to pretend I'm tyin' my lace
Suddenly I jump up and stab you with a poisoned syringe
then leave your corpse swaying from a dodecahedral hinge
These two men see the carnage and rush up to the scene
The first lunges at me like fucking wolverine
So I grab him by the balls (whoosh) pistol-whip his spleen
and crumple him up on the ground like a fucking soya bean
This next guy looks like one hell of a task though
He's approaching me saying that I "was acting like an asshole"
I ran into a gas station cuz he'd caught me unaware
grabbed an air pump and screamed "I'm your worst nightmare!"
I jammed it down his throat, stood and watched him fill with air
A crowd gathered as he began to expand and burst right there! (Booof)