Relapse was a very different album. Very creative as well. No artist ever really have done an album like this before. Em did something very different and cool here, he had amazing lyrics, AND was great at telling stories here. Also he was all IN CHARACTER, he rapped in an accent and in freestyles and guest verses still acted as this serial killer. TO some Relapse is a classic, to some, it is not. So, do you think this was a prime Em album? Or no? Why?
I believe Relapse is a modern classic. It is/was one of the best abums to come out in the past 10 years imo. Very creative, amazing stories (em at or almost at his best at stories on this album) and it had amazing lyrics/flow. I also do not mind the accent, cus the accent is him IN character, and it'd be weird if he did it with a normal voice. I also think this is prime Em and he then got over whelmed by the label/some fans/media saying the accent sucked, he then made Recovery, which got him success for a lil bit, then people realized it sucked, and now he has improved with MMLP2, which imo, is a tad bit better than Relapse. Anyways, what you think?