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Re: Guys...(18+)

Postby TheBoss123 » Oct 19th, '14, 22:32

Notalius wrote:
Geno wrote:
Blogs McGooch wrote:Seriously what's the point of this though? The "videos" are so short it doesn't make sense

People take regular clips and turn them into 60 FPS gifs.

There's also links to the full vids in the actual threads.

can't find it

under the videos theres links to the website yo(with the storm trooper helmet). Also some of the sites have a 60fps section I believe.
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Re: Guys...(18+)

Postby Chazi » Oct 20th, '14, 18:52

Looks smooth as fuck
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Re: Guys...(18+)

Postby gutawafang » Oct 21st, '14, 02:55

I don't understand.
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