Just learned what AMA was about two minutes ago
And I had a shit day so this might help
Also with the trend of banning the silv my mind has been all over the place trying to get it back into TR
CanadaPure wrote:What do you hate the most?
Hesky wrote:The thing you're most ashamed of?
scrapig wrote:im a sick fuck, just ask Josh.
Charlotte wrote:Least fave member :")
SajN wrote:Is it me or has there been a new Encore thread every day this week?
Josh wrote:doggy or 69 ?
Hesky wrote:If over the course of a week you could spend each day with a different celebrity, either dead or alive, who would your seven be?
Charlotte wrote:Least fave member :")
CanadaPure wrote:Do you think Hesky is cute?
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