Wow, I actually made it to 2004 posts. Anyway, here's a shout out.
Wiz- You're cool and you'll always be my homie.
demaz- Also my homie.
chazi- you seem like a cool person
blogs- You're a good friend but the spam is a bit annoying, same goes for detroit and josh.
josh- I like you a bunch, but can we just stop all this flirting?
Atone- rapidly climbing up the totem pole of friendship.
Menzo- one of my favorite posters.
cp- another favorite poster
Basedshady- You're brutally honest and I respect that, yo.
excita - little homie
evil- still a friend even if he isn't here often.
eva- a favorite poster also
raul- You cool, yo
chalky, gumpy and stephen- I like you, always have but stop changing your name!
sajn- you've got to come to vegas.
Mr change- you seem pretty cool
6PRDMD9-you'll always be t Rex to me.
noddy- I keep forgetting you I'm sorry. I like you a bunch though.