I'm going to keep this pretty simple. It's been a few days since Shady XV been released but everyone has different opinions so let's see what'll you rate it at this time. After you rate it, feel free to give a reason why. You don't have to do a fully detailed review, just a brief summary of your thoughts.
Right.I'm giving it a 4. 2014 Em has legitimately transcended into using a more advanced rhyme scheme and word play. The album's production is much more improved than Recovery and just a bit over MMLP2. It feels polished and sleek. Songs like Fine Line, Twisted and Psychopathic Killer really bring this out. Flaws include a choppy flow that he still needs to work on. The random pauses don't help. Sometimes, he tries making his songs so complex, it messes with his flow which has been the case since 2004.
Yelawolf killed it. Down is absolutely dope. His verse on Twisted is one of the great highlights of the album.
Otherwise, it's a pretty solid album. A tad better than MMLP2.