It seems a minority here lack common sense with regard to signature, so
I'm making things real simple here. Your complete signature, that means all images, quotes,
text and emoticons, cannot take up more space then this image:
That being 500 x 120 pixels
A signature is a small personalised space, I've said it many times before, it is not a place
to paste every msn conversation you've ever had, your life story or your art portfolio.
Not only does it make threads harder to follow and read, but it slows loading times,
ruins forum appearance and contrary to what you may believe, no one wants to scroll
through a large signature of yours everytime you post.
Now my fellow brothers and sisters, please adjust your signatures and
starting from tomorrow, I'll be editing your signatures if you haven't done so.
Refusing to follow this rule will mean you lose your signature or face a ban.
TRshady and family: building a brighter future with less bloody scrolling