Alright you guys, here's a guide how to make mp3s from sites such as Myspace, where the download links aren't available. I'm sure there are other methods, but this is what I use and it rarely fails. First you need two programs that are completely free (yay). The first is called orbit downloader which can be found here: The second is Audacity (so far the only program I know of that works with myspace files- I'll get into that later). You can get it here: You may also need the lame mp3 encoder files ( to make mp3 files, but that's a whole different topic and research it up on your own if it's asking for it.
Ok, first thing you do is find the site you want to get music off of. For instance, I want Right Round from Flo Rida's site:
Now open the program Orbit. There should be a symbol on the bottom right of your task bar that looks like an arrow.
Now right click on that symbol and there should be an option called Grab++. This is a really cool program that finds all downloadable stuff on a site you are viewing, even if a link isn't given.
Now that you have the Grab++ menu open, go to the page you want to download the music from and refresh it. A list of downloadable stuff will be shown on the Grab++ menu. Now the hard part is finding the music file. Most of the time, the file won't have a clear name like Right Round or anything. However, look under the size column of the Grab++ menu. A regular music file will be from 3-9 mb. So any files within that range will be a safe bet. For instance, the Right Round file is 2.37 mb named "std_b8979bca59554d1c98d4996279a93a9b.mpeg"
Now that you found the file, check it and click download. Now if the file you downloaded is an mp3 or whatever file type you're looking for then you are all set, but for myspace music, they are mpeg files (which is really strange format for an audio file in my opinion) and this is where you need Audacity.
Anyways, open up Audacity and drag the file you downloaded from Myspace (file_ name.mpeg) into the program. It will open the file and show a bunch of waves (because Audacity is mainly an audio editing program), but that's not that important. On the bottom left corner, where it says project rate, make sure it says 44100 Hz. Then go to "File", under the menu, and click "Export as WAV". This gives you a WAV file and you can convert it to mp3 using whatever audio converter program you already have. You can also directly convert it to mp3 with Audacity if you want (it's right below the "Export as WAV"- "Export as mp3"). You can change the quality of the mp3 you want to make by going under "Edit" and then to "Preferences" under the tab "File Formats". However, the options is limited with Audacity for converting mp3s so that's why I suggested going to WAV and then using another audio converter. That's pretty much it though. It's fairly simple, and you can do it with nearly any site that streams music.
NOTE: For those who know/care what I'm talking about- the music quality will never be better than what the original source on myspace is, and it may be a tiny bit worse. By exporting the mpeg file as wav and reconverting it to a high quality mp3, I'm basically "upconverting" the file, which should be a no-no when dealing with audio conversions. But no matter how high quality of an mp3 file you make, realize that it can never sound better than the one provided by the source (Myspace in this example).